Greener Electricity
for You

We Make the Initial Investment - You Get to Save the Earth ... and Some Money

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How We Help

We at MPWRNRGY PTE. LTD. develop, install and operate green technologies like Solar Power Plants on rooftops of commercial and residential properties and Electric Vehicle Charging stations at carparks of properties.

We then provide cheaper electricity to those property owners for direct consumption, thereby enabling:

  1. energy cost savings and
  2. unlocking new revenue sources for carkpark spaces by installing EV charging stations and sharing the income with carpark operators/owners.

We make the initial investment and manage the entire process so our customers and partners can focus on their business and don’t have to worry about CAPEX and OPEX spend.

We focus on SMEs, which is a sector underserved by the existing players in the market.

Nabeel Ismeer

Nabeel Ismeer

Thinks Things Through

7 years in solar PV development and management

6 years in Structural Engineering and Supply Chain Management

Shenaz Bilkis

Shenaz Bilkis

Gets Things Done

4 years leading commercial teams and start-ups

4 years in Management Consulting

Some Basic Questions We Will Ask

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Do you have a metal or flat concrete roof mostly free from obstruction?

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Are you a contestable or non-contestable consumer? Meaning, do you buy electricity from a retailer other than Singapore Power?

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What’s your roof size in square meters? Prelim sizing of solar plant: 100 W x Area (in square meters).

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Are there any large trees or buildings that shade your roof?

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Do you have hourly electricity consumption data that you can share? We will compare the usage with the production to maximise your savings!

What Not to Worry About

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Cloud cover and daily or even monthly weather. The financial feasibility of these projects are based on the annual sunlight a solar PV plant receives.

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System costs, Operation, Maintenance, Insurance, any other plant related cost – that’s where we come in!